Some Linguists who wrote about Siraiki


Some Linguists who worked about Siraiki

1-Ateeque Fiqri;

He was born at multan in 1917.His real mame was Abdul Hamid . His farther 's name was Ali Muhammad.He lived in Daulat Gate Multan .He died in that place in31-Dec-1986.He was educated only Primary .After it he joined the profession of ZAR DOZI.He studied more himself.Hi worked about Philosophy ,Archealogy of Multan ,History and linguistics. He wrote several books .Some of its are as under .

1- Insan aur Khuda (Man and God)

2- Naqsh-i-Multan (Picture of Multan)

3-Al-Ateeque Al-Ateeque (Very old)

Al-Ateeque is the book which is about language .It has been published by Siraiki Adbi Majlis Bahawalpur in 1971 .It is its first volume .Next volume has neen not published. Ateeque was not happy with this publishing .He told that seventy pages has been stolen by another Siraiki linguist Bashir Ahmed Zami.,and after it Zami wrote his book named ,Evelution of Siraiki Language.

About this readers say that there are rare references about his claims .There is no detailed discussion about Siraiki language although it has been claimed that this book is about Siraiki language.Although there is a study about effects of other languages to Siraiki and vice versa.


2- Qazi Razi

Qazi Razi was born in Dera Ghazi Khan . His real name was Fakhruddin.I am not clear about his date of birth .Perhaps he born in sixth decade of ninteenth century.He is the first person who worked systamatically about SIRAIKI language .He called it MULTANI . He wrote several about Siraiki and in Siraiki language .Some of them are as under

1- Multaneen Qaida.

2. Guk-i-Anaar

3-Kitab Qazi di Te Dewan Rai Da.

He was a poet also .His Thukus wa s RAZI. . He made several Alphabets about Siraiki special sounds.These alphebets were six like as b,j ,j ,d ,g ,g, Qazi did not inclde special N of Siraiki language .These alphabets were made in 1927 A.D . He introduced these alphabets in his book Kitab Qazi de Dewan Razi da..Thses alphabets are given on the title of this book ..Perhaps he died in1933. According to Ghulam Hussain Zair.

Basically he was prose writer . His linuistic work is Qaida and Alphabets.

One verse is very famous .

Bagh deen addeen ute sail leon ----pul baneedin yar keete lal phal.

He wrote a Dictionary of Western Punjabi in Shahpuri Dialect 1900 A.D
He wrote an Article named A grammer of Jatki or Balochi in 1849 A.D . This article was publised in a journal of Mumbai . It is supposed that this is first work of Siraiki .He wrote about grammer,terms and siraiki diction of D.G.Khan.
He was settle ment officer in Muzaggar garh . . He wrote a book named A glossary of Multi language .Its first edition published in 1881 A.D. Its next edition was published with review of Wilson in 1903. This book comprised on four parts
1-Grammer . 2-Terms 3-Proverbs 4-Diction. This book is in the dialect of D.G.Khan and Muzaffar garh.
5-Richard .F.Burton

He wrote a book named Grammer of Jatiki or Balochi Language in 1949A.D .His picture is below

He wrote a book named Lahndi language in Russian in 1970 . but it was translated into English and published 1975 A.D
Semirnov admited in preface that now its name is Siraiki or Saraiki.
----------------------------------------------------7-C.Schackle ( 1941 to-----

He wrote a book named Siraiki language of centeral Pakistan------Areference grammer
It was published in 1976 from London
8-Zami Bahawalpuri
His name was Bashir Ahmed ,He was a devoted person for Siraiki .He was retired teacher . His books are as Under
Siraiki Qaida
Siraiki Lughaat
Siraiki Zabaan ka Irtaqa
----------------------------------------------------9-Dishad Kanchvi

He was also devoted person . He wrote two lughats named Lughaat-i-Dilshadisa

1- Urdu Sraiki Lughaat-i-Dilshaia
2- Siraiki Urdu Lughaat-i-Dishdia
3- Siraiki Qaida
----------------------------------------------------10-Akhtar Waheed Ansari
11-Bashir Ahmed Bhaiya

Siraiki Qawaid te zubaa dani

12-Maher Abdul Haq ( 1-June 1915 to 1995 )

1- Multani Zuban Aur us ka Urdu se Taulq

2- Siraiki aur us ki hamsaiya ilaqai zabaneen

3- Siraiki de Qaiday Qanoon

4- Mazzeed Lisani Tahqeeqan
----------------------------------------------------13-Shaukat Mughal

1-Urdu mein Siraiki Ke Unmit Naqoosh

14-Jamshaid Kamtar

1- Siraiki Sammal

15-Syyed Ali Multani

1- Multani Zuban Kia Hai Published in 1913 A.D

16-Noor Ali Zamin Hussaini

----------------------------------------------------17- Ahsan Wagha

His book is The Siraiki language ,its growth and development
While a student of mathematics at Trinity College, Dublin, Grierson took prizes in Sanskrit and Hindi. Grierson went to Bengal in October 1873, where—in addition to carrying out his duties in a succession of government posts until 1898—he devoted much time to language research. The first of his enormous output of papers, reviews, and books appeared in 1877.
Two of his most important works are Seven Grammars of the Dialects and Subdialects of the Bihari Language (1883–87) and Bihar Peasant Life . . . (1885). The latter work, in addition to offering much linguistic information, describes the life, farming methods, and beliefs of the Bihar peasantry. His research also extended to Hindi, the northwestern Dardic languages, and Kashmiri.
In 1898 Grierson began work on the Linguistic Survey, and for the next 30 years he was responsible for gathering a vast amount of data in nearly 8,000 pages of 19 volumes. Five of the volumes, on non-Indo-European languages, were prepared by the Norwegian linguist Sten Konow, the remainder mostly by Grierson. The survey was a triumph of organization, covering as it did the Indo-European, Chinese, Austro-Asiatic, and Dravidian families of India together. In addition to vocabularies, for most of the languages and dialects skeletal grammars and brief texts were also included. During the course of the survey, which he directed from his home in Camberley beginning in 1903, Grierson published a number of works, among them A Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language (1916–32). He was knighted in 1912.